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How Do I Store a Cowhide Rug If I’m Not Using It?

How Do I Store a Cowhide Rug If I’m Not Using It?


Cowhide rugs are timeless, durable, and versatile pieces that can add warmth and character to any space. However, there may be times when you want to store your cowhide rug—perhaps during a seasonal change or when redecorating. Proper storage is essential to maintaining the rug's beauty and longevity. Follow these tips to ensure your cowhide stays in excellent condition while not in use.

1. Roll, Don’t Fold

The most important rule when storing a cowhide rug is to never fold it. Folding can lead to permanent creases and potential damage to the hide. Instead, roll the rug with the hair side facing out. Rolling helps preserve the rug's natural shape, and it prevents stress on the hide that could occur from bending.

2. Choose a Cool, Dry Storage Area

Store your cowhide rug in a cool, dry place to protect it from humidity and extreme temperatures. Excess moisture can lead to mold or mildew growth, while heat can cause the hide to dry out and crack. An ideal storage space would be a closet, attic, or under-the-bed storage, where the temperature is controlled, and the rug is safe from exposure to sunlight or moisture.

3. Avoid Heavy Pressure or Weight

When storing your cowhide, avoid placing heavy objects on top of it. Excessive weight can flatten the natural hair texture and cause unnecessary pressure on the hide, leading to misshapen areas. Ideally, store it in a way that allows it to breathe, without anything pressing down on it.

4. Use Breathable Storage Materials

It’s best to wrap the rolled-up rug in a breathable fabric such as cotton or muslin to protect it from dust and dirt while allowing air circulation. Avoid plastic or airtight materials, as they can trap moisture, leading to mildew and a stale smell over time.

5. Keep Away from Direct Sunlight

Sunlight can fade and damage cowhide over time, so ensure your rug is stored in a location where it is protected from direct sunlight. UV rays can cause the hair on the hide to become brittle and lose its natural sheen.

6. Check for Pests

Make sure the area where you're storing the cowhide is free from pests. Insects such as moths or carpet beetles could damage the rug. If you’re concerned about pests, you might consider using natural repellents such as lavender sachets or cedar blocks to keep unwanted critters away.

7. Unroll and Air It Out Periodically

Even in storage, it's a good idea to unroll the rug every few months to air it out. This helps prevent the development of musty odors and allows you to inspect the rug for any signs of damage. Giving it a quick brush or shake to remove dust can also help keep the hair on the hide looking fresh.

8. Consider Climate Conditions

If you live in an area with high humidity, take extra care to store your cowhide in a climate-controlled environment. Using silica gel packs in the storage area can help absorb excess moisture and protect the hide from dampness. For dry climates, make sure the hide doesn’t dry out too much by occasionally conditioning it with a leather conditioner designed for natural hides.

Final Thoughts

With proper storage techniques, your cowhide rug can remain in excellent condition for many years to come. Always remember to roll it, store it in a cool and dry place, and use breathable materials for wrapping. A little bit of care will ensure that when you’re ready to bring your cowhide rug back into your space, it will look as stunning as ever.

Storing your cowhide rug the right way will help preserve its texture, durability, and natural beauty, ensuring that it’s always ready to enhance your home when the time comes.

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