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Cowhide Rugs for the Ultimate Style
Are you thinking about shopping for a new rug? Have you ever envisioned having a cowhide rug anywhere in your home? Cowhide rugs are not just for the cabin in the woods look anymore. These rugs have a classic style that can fit the décor of any home and are making a comeback. Although the look of the rugs appear to be masculine and rugged, they also can add a sexy appeal to the room. The cowhide rugs are becoming a popular trend to add inside the home, having a more modern look than those you may have seen years ago or thought to only have a wild west feel. The rugs can add a great focal point to your space or a minor accent.
Cowhide rugs are of natural material and are very durable. They are made to last for years, more so than other types of rugs that you may use. With these rugs, you will definitely be receiving a great quality piece that gives you the most value for your money. When it comes to clean up of dirt or spill, you are able to clean it without having to send it to an expensive dry cleaner. Using a soft bristle brush, vacuuming or spot cleaning will usually take care of keeping your cowhide rug in the best shape. Luxury Cowhides has many cow hide rug for sale online that you can take a look at see what we have available. We offer one of a kind cowhides that we feel that will give your home the type of elegance and comfort that you are looking for. The cowhide rug for sale online are of the highest quality and unique product. Also, feel free to take at look at our gallery that showcase many of our rugs. If you are still not convinced on having one of these rugs for your home, then possible they may be better for you in a smaller scale. You can add the natural prints to pillows that you can decorate your couch or bed with. Also, you can give a duffel bag, notebook carrier or tablet pouch with a rustic or eccentric design. If you have any questions or comments about any of our cowhide rugs, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are more than welcome to help you decide on which of these hand picked quality rugs will benefit the unique style you desire.
More Than a Fireplace Centerpiece
Of course you can go for the original look of adding these rugs as a centerpiece in front of your fireplace or even in your bedroom, but the rugs can be placed in any room you choose. A cowhide rug can go into your kitchen, dining room or even your bathroom. Now that would definitely have a wow-factor on your guest. If you want to be more trendy than having the rugs on the floor, you may want to place one on a table or even cover up that unattractive wall that needs a bit of sprucing up. You can even create a little nook area in the corner of the room to stretch out and relax.Colors and Designs
In the past, these rugs have mostly been the same, never really venturing away from the dark colors. Nowadays, cow hide rugs in store have various shapes, sizes, colors and patterns. For instance, instead of the traditional cowhide look, the rugs can be formed in a square with abstract designs. With this variety, you should be able to find one that matches your style and personality.Natural Material and Durable

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